My people have…forsaken…

the…living water, and…dug …broken cisterns.’ Jeremiah 2:13 NIV
It’s easy to be content when things in life are going your way. But how often does that happen? The Bible says we are to practice being ‘happy at any time in everything’ (Philippians 4:12 NCV), because if you put your life on hold waiting for what you want to happen, you may be waiting a long time! Epicurus said, ‘Don’t spoil what you have, by desiring what you don’t have. Remember that what you now have was the thing you once hoped for.’ Three things constantly feed our discontentment: (1) Greed. When you dwell on what you don’t have, you’re not enjoying what God’s already given you. Be satisfied! Setting goals is good, but stop focusing so hard on the end result and learn to rejoice in the Lord while you’re on your way. (2) Fear. It wants you to run from something that’s not chasing you. It’s the enemy’s way of (a) robbing you of peace and stability; (b) tormenting you with the ‘what ifs’; (c) keeping you from trusting God. The Psalmist said, ‘In God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?’ (Psalm 56:4 NIV). (3) Seeking satisfaction in the wrong places. God said, ‘My people have…forsaken…the…living water, and…dug…broken cisterns that cannot hold water.’ It’s said that we spend our first 50 years searching for security, and the rest of our lives looking for significance. But we don’t have to. The hymn writer wrote, ‘Now none but Christ can satisfy; no other name for me. There’s love, life, and lasting joy, Lord Jesus found in Thee!’ Are you searching for contentment? Try Jesus!