IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU…“ ’ LUKE 6:38 KJV The law of reciprocity!

Mother Teresa wrote: ‘One night a man came to our house and said, ‘There’s a family of eight children who haven’t eaten for days.’ I took some food and went to see them. When I got there I saw the faces of little children disfigured by malnutrition. There was no sadness there, just the pain of hunger. I gave a sack of rice to the mother. She kept one half and went out carrying the other. When she came back I asked, ‘Where did you go?’ She answered, ‘To my neighbours, they’re hungry also.’ I wasn’t surprised that she gave, the poor are usually very generous. But I was surprised that she knew they were hungry. As a rule, when we’re suffering we’re so focused on our own problems that we have no time for others.’ That’s the law of reciprocity! It teaches you that: 1) You can give your way to great blessing. Jesus said: ‘ “Give, and it shall be given unto you…“ ’ (Luke 6:38 KJV). No seed is too little to multiply if you’re willing to sow it. 2) What you do for others determines what God does for you. ‘Knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord…’ (Ephesians 6:8 NKJ). 3) Your gift is the key to your future, but you must be willing to give it. ‘How?’ you ask. By finding a cause greater than yourself and pouring your life into it! When you do that you discover two things: a) It’s okay to acknowledge your limitations as long as you don’t build your life around them b) That success begins by focusing on what you have, not on what you don’t!