…STRONGER THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD.’ 1 JOHN 4:4 TM Overcoming through faith!

When a diving injury turned Joni Eareckson into a quadriplegic, her world changed radically. Faced with an unknown future her first response was to look for a quick way out. Her second was to live. She learned to paint holding a brush in her mouth, and later took classes at a university. A public-speaking course inspired her to talk about what she knew best: relating to physically challenged people, life in a wheelchair, and her experience as a follower of Christ. When a businessman sponsored an exhibition of her art it launched her successful career as an artist. Each piece included a testimony about her relationship with Jesus. When she made a list of her heart’s desires she wrote: ‘It’s time to step out…into a new dream. To be a ‘doer’ of God’s Word…and help other disabled people with dreams of their own.’ From that desire was born ‘Joni and Friends,’ a ministry that brings together people of faith and disabled persons, sponsors workshops and offers financial aid. Joni is also on the National Council on Disability and has her own radio programme on 900-plus stations. She’s also married and is a popular speaker who’s authored 30 books. She says: ‘I don’t know what lies ahead. But I do know who I am. I have a dream, and I know where I’m going.’ John writes, ‘…the Spirit in you is…stronger than anything in the world.’ And Jesus said, ‘ “He who overcomes…I will…acknowledge…before My Father…“ ’ (Revelation 3:5 NIV). Joni Eareckson Tada surely qualifies! The question is, what are you doing with the lemons life hands you? Have you developed a woe-is-me attitude, or are you busy making lemonade?