WHO SHALL BRING ANY CHARGE AGAINST GOD’S ELECT…?’ ROMANS 8:33 AMP Rising above guilt and shame (2)
Melody Beattie says, ‘Shame can hold us back, hold us down and keep us staring at our feet…Many systems and people are controlled by it and want us to play their game… Compulsive behaviour, sexually addictive behaviours, overeating, chemical abuse and addictive gambling are shame based behaviours…Our past and the brainwashing we may have had, put shame on us. “Don’t think…don’t feel…don’t grow or change…don’t be alive…be ashamed!”…Be done with shame! Attack it. Go to war with it. Learn to recognise and avoid it like the plague.’ Being ashamed of who you are is like being perpetually punished, except you’re doing it to yourself! Even when you think you’ve succeeded in hiding your thoughts, imaginations, attitudes and feelings, they come out in other ways. For example, shame-based people are easily offended, so others learn to walk on eggshells when they’re around them. They are sometimes hard to confront and correct because they feel so bad about themselves that they hate to have anybody else highlight areas that need improvement. But God says only fools hate correction (see Proverbs15:5). When you’re in right relationship to God you can accept instruction without becoming defensive. Paul says, ‘Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect…?’ Note the word ‘elect’ God is voting for you. You’re ‘in.’ Who can put you out? Nobody! God’s Word says you are forgiven; your guilt and shame are gone, so stop saying how you feel and start talking about what you know! Above all, ‘Keep your eyes on Jesus…When you find yourselves flagging…’ (Hebrews 12:2-3 TM). Make His unchanging opinion of you, your source of confidence and self-worth!