DO NOT LOVE THE WORLD…’ 1 JOHN 2:15 NAS Change your world
John writes, ‘Do not love the world…’ But what does that mean? First, let’s look at what it doesn’t mean. It doesn’t mean being so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly use. Loving the Lord more doesn’t mean loving those around you less; or feeling awkward around them; or losing touch with them; or not knowing how to communicate with them; or alienating them by giving off signals that you are somehow spiritually superior to them. If ‘…we have the mind of Christ’ (1 Corinthians 2:16 KJV) shouldn’t we be as attractive to a lost world as Jesus was? As the world of finance, politics, education and entertainment, etc gets more off track, we have two choices: condemn it or influence it! Become what we’re supposed to be, light! Isaiah the prophet spoke into the lives of kings. The three Hebrew children changed the politics of Babylon. Joseph the economist saved Egypt from famine. Yes, satan is at work taking Christ out of Christmas, prayer out of schools, and God out of government. But he won’t win, and he knows it. His strategy however, is to convince you that he can win. He doesn’t want you to see the real battle between light and darkness. He doesn’t want you to feel a sense of urgency and personal responsibility. But the God who promised to ‘…crush satan under your feet…’ (Romans 16:20 NKJ). is raising up an army of spirit-empowered believers who will demonstrate what it’s like to live in a different kingdom. Will you be part of His army?